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The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out!

ME !

Zack/King/Stelle ! 20 prons page bigender


basic dni criteria, proshippers, dream fans, console fanboys


mushrooms, onions, constant negativity, feeling powerless, the feeling of hurting someone emotionally, tight fitting clothes


anime, video games, my friends, rock music, old cartoons, comedy, akira♡

I thirst for selflessness. Hypocrites lusting for their own desires get killed by young rookies like me. This is how it goes down.


Akame Ga Kill, Chainsaw Man, Gurren Lagann, Dragon Ball, Konosuba, No Game No Life


Dragonforce, Breaking Benjamin, System of a Down, Fall Out Boy, Sabaton, Lemon Demon


Kingdom Hearts, Blazblue, No More Heroes, Nier, Castlevania, Xenoblade, Persona, Mega Man, Ratchet and Clank